Saturday, June 01, 2013

My visit with mum for her birthday today

Well we just spent  2 hours out with mum for her birthday. Mum is 51 today, I can't believe how fast the last year has gone. Mum loved her presents and couldn't get enough of her cake I made for her double choc cake with cream in mum bowl. It was so yummy and moist. I read to mum and then we had a visit with the chicks again. One chick just sat on her and went to sleep. After our visit with the chicks, we took mum back to her room and I read to her until she was asleep. It was a bad day for mum today, she was tired and distant like she couldn't focus. So not much talking and not showing her emotions today. It was a very draining visit on me. I have some photos to show you all.

Melissa and family went out for 25mins this morning and bought out some pictures/drawings the kids made for nanny( and I put them up for them when I arrived today). Melissa's son hayden made the cutest card ever.

I can't believe my other siblings are going to take mum out for dinner. She will be so exhausted, I hope she gets to have a good sleep this afternoon.

I also took down the family tree I made for mum's room and will be rearranging it and putting more onto it. It will be back up soon.
Us and mum opening her presents and having her birthday cake.

Visit with the chicks

Mum drinking one her thicken drinks for weight gain

Kids coloring in while I was with mum

 Where the family tree use to be, replacing it soon.


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